lunes, 25 de abril de 2011

International News Story

500 Taliban escape from Kandahar prison.

After 500 Taliban escaped from a Kandahar prison after reportedly tunneling a 360 meter escape route, I am left feeling a little uneasy.  If these guys can brea out of a PRISON that has GUARDS, they really have skills, and better yet, now they have a second chance to do what they either did or were planning to do, which means there are 500 more huge threats out there....perfect.

I can't say that I am surprised that they managed to escape because they probably had inside help, as usual, and were able to keep the operation under wraps.  The world is becoming so dangerous and so corrupt that we have to be ready for things like this and know how to respond.

I just read in TIME magazine that 3 of the most dangerous extremists in the world control militia and other forces that make it nearly impossible to find them and or kill them.  However, I think that once we find them, or 500 of them, we should do our very best to keep them locked up.  This news is very disturbing I must say, but not unexpected.

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